Increasing Precision and Reducing Risks

Application in Brownfield Projects

Given the environment where the Brownfield Projects are developed, they generally implicate a high complexity and big exposure to risks for people and, therefore, for the business.

This is why the precision and consistency of the engineering specialties are relevant in the engineering stages. Improving these features, it is possible to generate significant savings and increase the projects’ predictability.


Increasing Organizational Maturity

Organizations develop their activities in environments characterized by excessive competition, uncertainty and shortening the Projects Life cycles. From that point of view, the need arises to implement technological tools that allow standardizing processes, measuring them, controlling them and improving them continuously, optimizing the project management.


Consulting in Process Improvements and Technology for Projects

In line with the development of mining, renewable energies, building, and different sectors, SmartPD offers to consult and support services throughout the development cycle to implement industry best practices.


Adding Value to the Projects

The company was founded with the growing need to innovate in the project cycle stages, integrating technological tools and information technologies with our specialized work force, allowing to improve the project results and consequently the return over their investment.

Accuracy Increase

... in the field survey and in engineering development.

Improvement of Deadlines

... in the engineering development and schedule savings due to lack of interference and supplies in the execution.

Reuse of Information

... for the development of new projects, without the need to reconstruct data.

Improving Communication

... between internal and external stakeholders of the organization, visualizing the virtual model as a team.

Claims Reduction

... to increase the engineering precision and effectiveness in the interference checking.

Risk Reduction

... HSEC, schedule, cost, quality and scope.

Do you want help with your project?

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